Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Title Transfer and Registration

Before I invested any time or money in the car I wanted to assure the car was legally recognized as my property. I did not want to invest then later find out there was a problem with title transfer so the day after I brought the car home I took the paperwork to my local Department of Motor Vehicles (DNV). Sure enough there was a problem; the car had not been registered for so long that it had fallen out of the State database. This meant I would need to have the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) verified by the Highway Patrol before the title I had in my possession could be considered valid and the car could once again be registered in the State database.  I found out there was only one Officer in my area that did VIN verifications. He was located in a neighboring town so I made an appointment with the Officer and arranged to take that day off from work. I loaded the car back on the trailer and transported it to the Highway Patrol office where the inspection facility was located. After I arrived I was instructed to park behind a gated area and leave my truck, trailer and Plymouth and come back in two and a half hours. When I returned the Officer told me the numbers checked out ok and gave me a signed inspection form. The following day I returned to the DMV and successfully transferred and registered the Plymouth in my name. 

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